parliamentarism, history of parliamentarism, theoretical and methodological foundations, concepts of parliamentarism, Ukrainian parliamentarism.Abstract
Parliamentarism is a key element of the democratic system of modern states, and its effective functioning is of decisive importance for ensuring the stable development of the political system, public administration and law and order. Ukraine, as a young state with a post-Soviet past, is still in the process of establishing and improving the institutions of parliamentarism. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of parliamentarism in Ukraine are aimed at a deep understanding of the functional features of the national parliamentary system, its historical prerequisites and current challenges. An important task is the analysis of theoretical models that explain the functioning of parliaments in different political systems, as well as the application of appropriate research methods for the study of Ukrainian parliamentarism in the context of global democratic processes. The purpose of this article is to develop a theoretical and methodological basis for a comprehensive analysis of the institution of parliamentarism in Ukraine, including its evolution, mechanisms of functioning, interaction with other branches of government and influence on the socio-political life of the state. The article actualizes the problem of insufficient effectiveness of the functioning of the parliamentary system in Ukraine due to the lack of clearly defined theoretical and methodological approaches and principles. The purpose of the study is to study the main theoretical concepts and methods of analyzing parliamentarism in order to develop recommendations for improving the parliamentary system in Ukraine. For this, the methodologies of comparative analysis, institutionalism, and the systemic approach are used. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the development of a complex theoretical and methodological framework that allows a better understanding of the functioning of the parliamentary system in the context of Ukrainian realities. Special attention is paid to the analysis of international experience and its adaptation to the conditions of Ukraine, which contributes to the formation of effective parliamentary practice. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the obtained results to improve the legislative process, improve the quality of management and strengthen democratic institutions in Ukraine.
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