


training, psychological technique, art therapy, decompression, servicemen


The article considers psychological technologies used by military psychologists when working with servicemen at the decompression stage. Today, this issue is especially relevant in the context of a long war, when there is a constant need to involve servicemen in active action. Trainings, various types of psychotherapy, which are conducted by military psychologists, are aimed at solving a set of psychological problems that have arisen in the military as a result of a long stay in the combat zone. Decompression measures are aimed at restoring the psychological state of the military, which is accompanied by a set of psychophysiological actions. During a stay on the territory of hostilities, a serviceman may face a significant number of risks that can lead to mental disorders in later life. As a result of the presence of servicemen in the area of the joint force operation, when entering a peaceful environment there is a probable threat of manifestations of perception of the environment through the “military prism of reality”, introversion, anxiety about changing family attitudes to it, fear of their own family so that the family does not learn about the horrors of war. Decompression aims to help the military deal with stress, deal with negative experiences, teach self-help techniques and balance the psycho-emotional state. Military psychologists with the help of art therapy work with subconscious traumatic events, help to survive the effects of war. The main attention is paid to psychological methods, techniques, techniques used to work with servicemen in order to restore the body and gradually readapt to normal living conditions, preventing the development of psychological trauma in them. The obtained results can be the basis for the creation of a psychological program of decompression for active servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are periodically in the combat zone and need a quick recovery to maintain constant combat readiness.


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