state power, power institutions, legality, legitimacy, dichotomy, political system, public administration.Abstract
The article argues that understanding the dichotomy between the political and legal foundations of state power is critical to ensuring a balance between governance effectiveness and legality. The special significance of state power is justified due to its key role in the distribution of public resources compared to political power. The reformation of the structure of power relations implementation is studied as a fundamental basis for the transformation of the public government system, which contributes to the qualitative renewal of government processes. It is substantiated that reforming the structure of power relations implementation is an important basis for the implementation of transformations in the public government system in general, which contributes to the transfer of government processes to a qualitatively new level of functioning in conditions of systemic challenges. It is emphasized that in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to carry out a thorough analysis of the fundamental principles and contradictions of the implementation of state power in government systems, which arise from its political and legal nature, and to determine the possibilities of harmonizing such principles. The purpose of the article is to study the interrelationships between institutions of public administration, which are formed in the conditions of modern state formation under the influence of the dichotomy of legal and political foundations of the implementation of state power as a phenomenon of public administration. It was determined that the rational functioning of the state depends on the ability to find a balance between political will and legal restrictions, while simultaneously ensuring the effectiveness, stability and legitimacy of the government. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that the reduction of the political-legal dichotomy acuteness of state power implementation in the public administration system of a modern sovereign state is possible due to the real recognition, consolidation and observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen as fundamental values in the process of democratic governance. It has been established that the system of normative legal acts that make up the content of national state legislation should be based, and if necessary, transformed on the basis of compliance with global standards of guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, public trust in institutions of state power, and the state in general as a central institute of the political system. In this context, not only the political responsibility of officials or institutions of the public administration system in general is important, but also of citizens, whose political will is determined by the source of power in most states of the modern world. It is citizens who must support government institutions and political forces that guarantee their rights and freedoms. It has been proven that the political-legal dichotomy of the state power realisation is an important characteristic of modern democratic states, and understanding this dichotomy allows overcoming the complexity and contradictions of public administration processes, as well as finding a balance between political interests and legal norms.
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