


search, human rights, martial law, specifics of conduct, law and order, settlement


The article highlights that the state of war in Ukraine, which continues until now, has influenced the verification of the stability of criminal procedural legislation and its practical use. With the introduction of martial law, relevant laws were adopted that amended the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and the Criminal Code of Ukraine, significantly strengthening criminal liability for crimes committed during martial law. The procedural features of the search procedure in the conditions of martial law were studied, as well as the problems that arise during investigative (search) actions were outlined. It is emphasized that the search is one of the most difficult investigative (search) actions, during which no violation of the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen is allowed, otherwise, all the evidence collected during the SRD will be declared inadmissible in court. Attention is emphasized that human rights and freedoms in Ukraine are the highest social value, but the conditions of martial law limit these rights and freedoms, while at the same time expanding the powers of the prosecution. In connection with the challenges of modernity, it became necessary to introduce significant changes in the procedural aspects of the search. They consist, first of all, in the fact that the search time has been extended, that is, its suddenness has been legally ensured. These changes are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the search as an investigative (search) action, prompt obtaining of results and saving the lives of Ukrainians. Such short stories have a direct impact on the course of criminal proceedings, and especially pre-trial investigation, under martial law. Analyzing the changes made to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine), the authors of the study come to the conclusion that the possibility of protecting persons subjected to searches has practically been eliminated. Ensuring the participation of lawyers during curfew searches remains a problem.


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