


determinants of corruption, corruption in the sphere of public life, reconstruction of Ukraine, post-war state


The article explores the issues of widespread corrupt practices and ways to counteract them in the context of Ukraine's reconstruction after the destruction caused by armed conflict. The subject of the study is the determinants that contribute to the emergence and spread of corruption in various spheres of public life, especially those involving significant state funding during the post-war reconstruction period. Attention is paid to the necessity of overcoming the consequences of war, which requires substantial resources that may become subject to abuse and misuse. An analysis of legislative norms aimed at ensuring transparency, publicity, and accountability of processes in the state's recovery after wartime destruction is provided. The focus is on the principles of proper administrative procedure guided by norms of administrative law regulating relations between the state and citizens in the field of public administration. The principle of adversarial proceedings and adherence to principles of equality and justice, enshrined in administrative procedural norms regulating all aspects of administrative justice, is considered. It is noted that considering the new edition of procedural legislation and standards of legal doctrine, the use of a broad categorical apparatus has been significantly restored, forming the basis for scholarly discourse aimed at ensuring legal analysis free from narrow interpretations and directed towards principles reflecting the spirit of the times. The authors emphasize that this legislative reform organically links legal science with legal reality as a comprehensive existential space where law is directly implemented. It is argued that ensuring Ukraine's recovery processes from corruption risks in the post-war period requires a comprehensive approach at various levels of state governance and societal life. Only a comprehensive, systemic approach at all levels of society and the state can create an atmosphere of intolerance towards corruption during the country's reconstruction, ensuring transparency, accountability, and responsibility in resource utilization.


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