



legal awareness, training, psychological professional training, training methods, young lawyers


The purpose of the article is to determine the features and specifics of the use of such important and effective means of training future lawyers as psychological trainings for the formation of legal aspirations and generally raising the moral and psychological level. Methods. The research methodology consists of a set of theoretical and empirical methods, in particular, such as the method of analysis, the method of synthesis, the method of generalization, the method of analogy, the method of classification, the comparative method. Results. In the process of research, it was established that professional psychological training should be understood as a set of educational and educational activities that are interconnected and aimed at the development and formation of students in the necessary competence and professional psychological readiness for the effective performance of functions in the field law enforcement activities The set of training methods includes the following types of training methods: methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities (visual, practical, verbal); problem-searching (reproductive, partially-searching; problem-based teaching; research; heuristic; explanatory-illustrative and experiment); logical (deduction, induction, synthesis, analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization, classification, abstraction); binary (class-illustrative, class-heuristic, classdogmatic; laboratory-illustrative, laboratory-heuristic, laboratory-research; excursion-heuristic, excursion-illustrative, excursionresearch; production-illustrative, production-heuristic, production-research) ; methods (method of mastering new knowledge, formation of abilities and skills, testing and evaluation of knowledge, abilities and skills, consolidation of educational material), methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activities (active, simulation and games). One of the most effective and proven means of professional psychological training is training. The basic methodological principle of the training is the influence on the behavioral, motivational, intellectual and behavioral sphere of the persons involved in the training, as well as the solution of the tasks set before the participant of the training through the involvement of the psycho-emotional sphere with the help of the formation of conditions in which it is possible to obtain sensory practical experience and solve on the basis of this as professional and socio-role and purely psychological problems of persons participating in the training.


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