emotional intelligence, gender identity, androgyny, masculinity, femininityAbstract
The article presents the study results of the emotional intelligence features of people with androgynous gender identity. The phenomenon of androgyny in relation to emotional intelligence has been studied in the scientific literature. The article argues that the androgynous type of gender identity allows individuals to show great adaptability, flexibility and creativity in behaviour due to a combination of high femininity and masculinity. Due to theoretical analysis it was found that emotional intelligence is an important integral characteristic of the individual, that is realized in its ability to understand emotions, summarize their content, to distinguish the emotional subtext in interpersonal relationships, to regulate emotions in such way as to promote positive cognitive activity with the help of positive emotions and to overcome negative emotions that interfere with communication or threaten the achievement of individual success. By studying gender issues, it was found that women understand emotions better than men; men explain their feelings more often by external causes, when women do the same to a greater extent by internal ones; the expression of emotions in males and females is also depends on upbringing. The empirical study involved 37 people. N. Hall’s “Emotional Intelligence” method and Sandra Bem’s “Sex Role Questionnaire” were used. The results of the study indicate that an integral indicator of the development of emotional intelligence is associated with masculinity, and femininity has a negative correlation with such an indicator of emotional intelligence as “managing their emotions”. It was found that in individuals with androgynous gender identity, masculinity is associated with self-motivation, emotion management, and empathy. It was found that women with androgynous gender identity are more variable in the choice of psychological sex compared to men with androgynous gender identity.
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