


psychological support, children with intellectual disabilities, parents of a child with intellectual disability, parental relationship, psycho-emotional state, frustration , subdepression


A scientific article that analyses the support system of a family raising a child with intellectual disabilities. This article examines modern foreign studies of a family that is raising a child with intellectual developmental disabilities through an analysis. The authors have identified the criteria that determine whether a family is functional or dysfunctional in this category. The chosen criteria describe the typical problems that arise for the family of a child with intellectual disabilities. Taking into account the "problem fields" of a family raising a child with an intellectual disability, its complex psychological support should be aimed at parents' awareness of the specifics of raising a special child, the formation of an adequate attitude towards his personality and illness, the harmonization of intra-family relations, which will ensure optimal functioning family The development and upbringing of a child with an intellectual disability require greater awareness of the parents about the disease, the causes of the disease, its consequences, and the child's potential. Social and psychological support for the family should be provided simultaneously in multiple directions. Psychological and pedagogical support of a family raising a child with an intellectual disability should include three levels: macro level (level of collective interaction) – "school of responsible parenting" (parental lectures); meso level (level of group psychocorrective work) – psychocorrective trainings aimed at solving parents' psychological problems; micro level (level of individual work) – psychological consultations of parents . The scientific novelty of the article consists in the development of ideas for ensuring positive socialization of families, analysis and systematization of factors affecting the psychological well-being and educational potential of families raising children with intellectual disabilities. The practical significance of the results of the implementation of a complex three-level support program can be used in the system of inclusive practice and special education when implementing social and psychological support for students with intellectual disabilities and providing assistance to their family members.


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