


art psychology, perception, artistic image, approaches to art psychology, intermodal art therapy, future shock


This article is devoted to the problem of understanding the psychology of art in a broad context and the analysis of psychological peculiarities of perception of art works in particular. The main approaches to the study of artistic creativity are defined (functional, psychoanalytic, objectively analytical, specifically sociological and psychologically aesthetic approaches). The ideas of Freudian aesthetics regarding the explanation of the psychology of art in the 20th century are сconsidered, as well as the peculiarities of the visual perception of classical and modern paintings in the works of R. Arnheim, which are based on the principles of Gestalt psychology (the contrast of "figure and background", the ratio of a part and the whole, vertical and horizontal, constancy of image, etc.). The scientist analyzes the considerable artistic material of classical and modern painting and examines the peculiarities of the interaction of figures, the laws and influence of different types of perspective, the specifics of movement reflection. The problem of perception of fine art in the views of Danish psychologist B. Funk is also analyzed in this article. The peculiarities of the perception of artistic works and the hypothesis about the similarity of the reader and the writer (idea of E. Hennequin) are considered. This paper also notes the importance of studying drawings as one of the most effective means of analyzing the inner world of the person (according to H. Furth) and the use of intermodal art therapy as an effective means of improving a person's mental state (according to G. Hulbut). The concept of "future shock", introduced by American writer and sociologist Alvin Toffler, is analyzed as psychological reaction of a person or society to radical changes in his surroundings and environment, associated with the acceleration of the pace of technological and social progress. Relativistic and conservative approaches to the analysis of artistic productions are considered.


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