


legal regulation, tourist operator, tourist agent, tourist, bank guarantee, license, tourist ticket, tourist insurance fund


The article examines the legal status of one of the central subjects of tourist and recreational activities, namely the legal status of tourist operators. The conditions that must be met by tour operators are analyzed, since tour operator activities are subject to the licensing response to the Law "On Tourism" and the Law "On Licensing Types of Economic Activities". The role of such licensing has been studied The procedure for obtaining a license and the legal status of the state authority that issues a license and keeps a register of tour operators have been studied. The article also examines the problem of the imperfection of the bank guarantee mechanism as a condition for conducting tour operator activities, namely for the return of tourists from vacation spots and reimbursement of expenses related to the provision of tourist services in the event of insolvency of the tour operator or initiation of bankruptcy proceedings. The article examines the period that must be passed in order for a bank guarantee to be applied in accordance with Article 15 of the Law "On Tourism" and concludes that such a mechanism for protecting the rights of tourists is ineffective. The article examines the amount of a bank guarantee of 20,000 euros in comparison with the volumes of tourist services provided by the tour operator and concludes that it is not appropriate to set such amounts, as they are disproportionately small compared to the possible damages caused to tourists in the event of bankruptcy proceedings or insolvency. The article provides a successful example of Poland in protecting the rights of tourists in the event of insolvency of a tour operator, namely the creation of the Travel Insurance Fund, where the tourist pays the appropriate amount to the Fund guaranteeing compensation for damage caused by the tour operator in the event of its bankruptcy.


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