


state gender policy, institutional basis, institutional factors, institutional environment of state gender policy, formal and informal social norms and rules, institutional mechanisms of gender development, inclusive institutions, institutional synergy of state gender policy


n the article, on the methodological basis of the provisions of the neo-institutional theory, the concepts of the institutional basis, institutional factors and the institutional environment of the state gender policy are defined. The structure of the institutional environment of state programs for ensuring gender equality, which integrates institutional factors for ensuring gender balance and development, in accordance with the systemic and structural-functional approaches is revealed. The main structural elements of the institutional environment of the state's gender policy are legal norms, collective agreements, corporate norms, informal social norms, institutional mechanisms for the implementation of state gender development programs in various spheres of social life. The expediency of defining gender stereotypes as informal social norms of gender behavior and components of the institutional environment of state gender policy has been proven. The inconsistency of the structural elements of the institutional environment, the diversity and contradiction of their influence on the effectiveness of the state's gender policy determine the possibility of negative synergy of institutional factors of gender development. Positive institutional synergy is characterized by increasing the effectiveness of state gender policy and is based on ensuring general gender orientation and sensitivity of institutional components, which is a condition for their complementarity as factors of gender development. Positive institutional synergy is facilitated by the development of inclusive institutions that ensure gender development.


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