


public administration, factors of influence, mechanisms of state power, managerial influence, personnel potential, military personnel, National Guard of Ukraine


The article is devoted to the study of issues that arise in the personnel potential of the National Guard of Ukraine during military service in the conditions of an undeclared war. During which it was found that the personnel potential of the National Guard of Ukraine is a complex multifaceted category that changes depending on the administrative and legal regimes and occupies a significant place in the defense capability of our country. Based on the results of the analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific sources, as well as the obtained research results, the author's vision of the problems that arise among the servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine during the armed conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine is formulated. The scientific approach to assessing the effectiveness of public administration levers has been improved by systematizing factors, methods, technologies, levels and measures of managerial influence. In addition, an analysis of the norms of the current legislation was carried out to determine the presence of gaps in the process of implementation of state power mechanisms. At the same time, it is taken into account that the level of emerging problems during an undeclared war is purely subjective in nature. After all, both servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine and officials of state authorities can act as violators. This approach to the analysis of problems personnel potential is useful, especially for assessing the vulnerability of the system of public administration mechanisms. In order to increase the efficiency of the functioning of state mechanisms, it is advisable at all levels of management to strengthen the work on feedback between all branches of government within the framework of the policy on the development of personnel potential of NGU. Attention is focused on problematic issues that arise at the current stage of the state's development.


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Midina A.S. Personnel potential of the National Guard of Ukraine: organizational and legal problems during martial law. Public administration and state security aspects. Vol. 1/2022. URL: DOI: 10.52363/passa-2022.1-8.



