


digital marketing, business environment, digital transformations, competitiveness management, advertising, advertising strategy


The article discusses the main obstacles of managing an advertising strategy in the digital space. It has been established that during the turbulence in the world due to pandemics, wars, the development of information and communication technologies, transformation of business processes takes place. That is, the crisis became one of the factors in the development of digital marketing as an effective system of measures for managing business competitiveness and the interaction of participants in trade relations. It is established that competition is a normal phenomenon for enterprises, as each of them constantly tries to maintain its audience, sales markets, etc. Under a healthy market economy, enterprises have the opportunity to freely access common markets, can offer their goods and services without restrictions, compete in good faith for customers on the basis of better prices, service and product quality. Features of competition of enterprises in a virtual environment that combines globality, visualization, attractiveness, reputation and speed are given. A digital marketing strategy is defined as an action plan that describes how a company uses digital media platforms and other online tools to achieve its marketing goals. This strategy includes defining the company's purpose, analyzing the audience, choosing digital channels and tools, developing a content and distribution plan, as well as defining success metrics and analyzing results. The main tools of competitor analysis and segmentation of the digital market have been developed. Because digitalization is the driving force of the modern economy and is an important factor in business development. One of the main advantages of digitalization is the improvement of the efficiency of business processes, which consists in the possibility of automating most operations and actions to ensure the speed and accuracy of tasks. The application of digital technologies in business allows to significantly reduce the time to complete tasks, reduce the costs of labor and materials, and also increase productivity. from a certain moment, when new innovations or technologies appear on the market, the risks are reduced again, provided that a digital marketing strategy is in place and implemented, supported by the transformation of business processes.


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