economic inequality, national stability, risk, consumer characteristics, income, property, state management activityAbstract
The article analyzes the dynamics of economic inequality, which has changed as a result of the russian federation's fullscale armed aggression against Ukraine, in a global dimension and in terms of its types. Assessing the dynamics of types of economic inequality made it possible to identify the most significant negative consequences for strengthening the stability of the state and society, as well as new opportunities for creating potential. The negative consequences of the deepening of economic inequality, manifested in its forms, made it possible to determine: priority issues and tasks that need to be solved on the agenda; to highlight the categories of the population that state and administrative influences should be targeted regarding the priority solution of problems in the interests of strengthening stability. In the conditions of limited resources, the primary tasks are: (a) for the most vulnerable groups of the population, ensuring equal access to safe and high-quality food products, energy services in order to ensure the vital activities of society; (b) for representatives of the middle class, reducing the impact of the consequences of deepening factors of economic inequality by creating equal opportunities to exercise responsibility for their own well-being, which form the largest consumer market and ensure the stability of society; (c) for the most vulnerable categories of the population that have lost housing, the development of "improved tools" of state support for realizing the right to housing under the conditions of the verification process; for the population that owns property rights on preserved objects of unfinished construction and that are interested in the completion of housing with an improved level of living conditions; population categories that have a desire to rebuild / restore buildings with close to zero energy consumption.
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