globalization, technological changes, human resources management, public service, digital transformation, innovativeness, inclusivenessAbstract
The proposed article examines the impact of globalization and technological changes on HR in the civil service system through the lens of a comparative analysis of different periods. The author emphasizes how changes in the world economy and technological progress have affected methods and practices in the field of public human resource management, showing their evolution from rigid bureaucracy to more flexible, innovation-oriented approaches. The author states that in the 1980s, the main obstacles to management were rigid bureaucracy and hierarchical structures that inhibited innovation and flexibility. However, with the advent of new technologies in the 2000s, the era of digital transformation begins, which opens up new opportunities for optimizing work processes and developing talent through electronic document management and automation. The article pays special attention to the period of 2010, when the influence of social networks and mobile technologies radically changes the context of personnel management, allowing the use of these platforms for attracting and selecting talent, which significantly expands the geography of searching for potential candidates and more effectively analyzes their professional skills. In 2020, as the author emphasizes, HR is becoming increasingly innovative and technologically saturated. The use of big data analytics and artificial intelligence is becoming fundamental in approaches to recruiting, performance evaluation and the development of personalized training programs. The article also highlights the importance of inclusiveness and diversification in modern human resource management, emphasizing the need for cultural sensitivity and flexibility of management skills in the context of globalization and cultural integration. The analysis concludes with a table that demonstrates how HR practices have changed over time, responding to the growing demands for flexibility, innovation and inclusiveness. The author of the article emphasizes that further technological innovations and globalization trends will make it necessary to constantly update approaches and practices in HR in order to effectively respond to modern challenges.
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