


economic influence, administrative influence, public management influence, destructive influence, constructive influence, economic development and growth, methods of influence, public management


The article singles out aspects of the manifestation of economic influence in public administration in foreign and Ukrainian scientific intelligence, and demonstrates their difference. In foreign studies, it is noted that all areas that fall under public administration are characterized by the presence of economic influences, which include: state finances; planning system; programming and budgeting; economic planning; management of state enterprises, etc. It is emphasized that the formulation and implementation of government plans and economic development policies includes an assessment of economic consequences and the scale of economic impact. It was determined that one of the aspects of economic influence in public administration is the participation of the state in economic development. In Ukrainian studies, aspects of the manifestation of economic influence in public administration are considered from different positions: the level of mechanisms of state regulation of the economy; the use of various methods of influence in the process of organizing state regulation of the economy based on legal, administrative and economic methods; instruments of state influence on the object of management. Economic influence in public administration is considered in the context of the formation and implementation of public administration mechanisms in certain areas. The influence of globalization on the state management of the investment process is revealed, the components of which include the destructive and constructive influence of driving forces on social development. It is emphasized that the internal and external factors of influence are distinguished within the economic model, and the differences in their understanding in the scientific dimension are emphasized. It was found that the influence of the quality of public administration on the economy is correlated with a number of theories: public administration; social choice and political economy; public expenses; new institutional economic theory; growth theory; neoclassical growth model; the concept of «economics of influence».


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