


institution, institutional imperatives, institutional capacity, national stability, public administration


The author substantiates in the article, that since the nowadays political processes are characterized by a high degree of variability and uncertainty, the exacerbation of conflict in the system of social relations, an urgent task is to improve the government mechanisms of state power institutions based on the public government concept of resilience. From these positions, it is expedient to consider institutional imperatives that specify the fundamental values of the implementation of public administration as an object of research. Institutional imperatives become important in the context of building a government system for the resilience of the national state, which is especially relevant for Ukraine in connection with the challenges of resisting the russian federation armed aggression and the future task of post-war reconstruction. The purpose of the study is the conceptualization of institutional imperatives in terms of the system development of the state national resilience main parameters as an object of research in the science of public administration. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that today there is an urgent need to expand the scope of the specified problem study and the implementation of government in the field of institutional support to algorithms for the functioning analysis of the existing government institutes. For this purpose, it is worth formulating and formalizing the existing institutional imperatives, showing the possibilities of post-crisis recovery and maintaining the sustainable development of the political system of society as a whole. Therefore, the study of the foundations problems of ensuring the national system of resilience allows us to formulate the following institutional imperatives: normative definition and interpretation of the concept content of national resilience by the institutions of state power; formation by civil society institutions of the widest social consensus regarding the features of the national system of resilience; reforming the institutions of executive power in order to transform the system of public administration and the political system as a whole.


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