


digitalization, forest relations, forest, martial law, forest legislation, forest conservation, forests protection, public administration


The article is devoted to the definition of the role of digital transformation and the analysis of the impact of digitalization in relations of protection and management of forests, forest resources and forestry land in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to study the essence of the concept of digitalization, to determine the factors of influence, advantages and challenges that will be expected from the digital transformation of forest relations. The article considers several definitions of the concepts of "digitalization" and it is given new understanding of this process. It was established that "digitalization" can be understood as the process of analysis, use, application, transfer of information into a digital format in order to improve and improve the regulation of social relations, including forest relations. It is noted that the development of digital technologies can lead to positive changes in a number of aspects of forest relations, in particular: increasing the transparency and efficiency of forest resource management, internal and external processes of forest management; reduction of corruption risks; ensuring access to data for all interested parties; promoting the development of the economy and ecology. In the article, the author substantiates the opinion regarding the attribution of digitalization to one of the functions of management, the implementation of such a function as "digitalization" can improve the organization of the rational use of forest resources, their reproduction, environmental protection, and environmental safety. It has been established that in recent years, Ukraine has not been out of the global trend of digitalization of social relations, including forestry, and given examples of digitalization in the forestry industry: telegram bot as a modern means of communication between the State Agency of Forest Resources and the public; EkoSystem web portal; DrovaEU site; EcoZagroza application and others. In addition, in the article, the author identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of digital technologies in the forestry industry.


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