


coefficients of importance, method of expert assessments, method of hierarchy analysis, personnel, moral and psychological state, psychological readiness, activity in combat conditions


The moral and psychological state (MPS) of the personnel of the country's defence forces is a key aspect that determines the effectiveness of military units and combat teams. Taking into account and maintaining this state allows commanders (chiefs) to determine its level, to predict the most combat-ready and least combat-ready military units and subunits in terms of morale and psychological state. Of particular importance when choosing the method of conducting operations (combat actions) and building combat formations in the course of the Russian-Ukrainian war is information on the assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the troops (forces) personnel’s MPS. According to NATO STANAG, MPS is considered a complex phenomenon with many levels, components and factors. The study of this phenomenon involves the assessment of MPS both at the level of an individual and at the level of group dynamics of a military team. The personal level of assessment includes the psychological readiness of a serviceman to operate in combat conditions, and the group level includes the command (socio-psychological) climate as an indicator of cohesion of the military team; leadership (trust, authority, competence and experience of the commander as an indicator of command and control effectiveness; mental health of personnel). The article considers the issues of choosing a method for determining the importance coefficients of the evaluative components of the moral and psychological state of personnel. The main modern approaches to the calculation of importance coefficients are analysed: the method of direct ranking, the method of ranking factors, the method of assigning coefficients to factors, the method of hierarchy analysis. On the basis of the analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them are determined. It is proposed to use the method of hierarchy analysis to determine the importance coefficients of the evaluated components of the moral and psychological state of personnel.


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