



public service, public servant, public administration, image, professional potential, professional development, motivation, civil society, personnel technologies, war period, post-war period


The article reveals the essence and peculiarities of the formation of a positive image of public servants, examines the issues of directions of creation, support and improvement of the image of public servants in the conditions of the military and post-war period in Ukraine. It is proved that the formation of a positive image of public servants is an extremely urgent issue in the context of the processes of reform, modernization, transformation of public service, as well as the establishment of effective close interaction of public authorities with civil society in the war and post-war period in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the formation of a positive image of public servants in Ukraine contains a number of specific features regarding its construction, functioning and support. It identifies negative phenomena that "slow down" the process of forming a positive image of public servants, to which the author proposes to include: high level of corruption, low level of professionalism of public servants, insufficiently attentive attitude to the existing or urgent interests of citizens, lack of feedback, lack of highly qualified young personnel, use of "outdated" personnel development technologies, low level of motivation of public servants, low level of development of professional and personal potential of public servants, etc. It is established that personal, professional, moral and social norms and principles are the main components for the formation of a positive image of public servants in the conditions of martial law and the post-war period. The formation of a positive image of public service directly depends on the formation of the image of each individual public servant, is the result of continuous, consistent and rather complex activities aimed at creating, maintaining and strengthening positive public opinion. The factors that influence the formation of the image of public servants have been determined, directions for the formation of a positive image of public servants in the conditions of martial law and the post-war period in Ukraine have been proposed and reasoned. The author focuses on the fact that the formation of a positive image of public service contributes to strengthening and increasing the authority of state power in society and in the international arena, contributes to the protection of national interests, the dynamic socio-economic development of the country, etc.


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