


“soft skills”, “hard skills”, labor market, competitiveness, skills-indicators, skills development program


This article examines the set of professional talents known as “soft skills” and provides a content analysis of the term’s definition. The results of other authors’ research focused on identifying the understanding of “soft skills” in the academic community are presented. The outcomes confirm the authors’ hypothesis concerning “point” inclusion of “soft skills” in curricula and the almost complete absence of the practices of their formation. According to the data obtained, the author conducted an additional study in mixed groups of professional development courses for teachers of computer science, physics, mathematics, and astronomy of the Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education using the “Soft skills” methodology-indicator proposed by O. Hlazunova, T. Voloshyna and V. Korolchuk, consisting of 5 groups of skills-indicators. The trainees of the refresher courses (pedagogues) of the study group have a low overall index of “soft skills” development. Personal effectiveness, communication, and managerial abilities received the lowest scores. In these skill groups, indicators of creativity, negotiation, and the ability to form a system of communication in the team were notably low. The NGO «Center for Psychological Development “Together” suggested adapting the program for the development of effective communication skills and constructive conflict resolution. The program consists of seven pieces of training and can be used for listeners (pedagogues) of refresher courses of the institute of postgraduate pedagogical education. In the training program, it is recommended to include themes and tasks for group dynamics, communication, leadership and management in groups, teams, team building, time management, emotional competence, involving in discussion and analysis of pedagogical situations, using technology microphone”, “brainstorming”, “brain ring”, the appropriate organization of the working space, which allows eye contact, interaction, communication, feedback, using the method of projects and mini-projects, involving IT technologies (based on SharePoint service, Microsoft Office 365, GitHub cloud service, Jira cloud service, etc.).


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