public administration, housing and communal services, utilities, infrastructure, water supply and sanitation, European experience, reform and development, war, legal regime of martial law, post-war recoveryAbstract
The article reflects the results of a study of the experience of European countries in public administration of the development of housing and communal services and its infrastructure, in particular, those related to water supply and sanitation. It is shown that the issues of public administration in the housing and communal sector have become particularly relevant with the beginning of Russia's full-scale armed aggression and the introduction of martial law in Ukraine. The destruction of critical infrastructure as a result of hostilities, rocket and artillery shelling had a direct impact on the organisation of continuous production and consumption of water, electricity, and heat in real time, which, in turn, requires the restoration (reconstruction and/or modernisation) and further ensuring the stable operation of communal infrastructure facilities to meet the needs of the population for quality housing and communal services throughout the country. Therefore, this study has led to the conclusion that the need to improve public administration of housing and communal services in Ukraine is time-bound and inevitable. In order to further search for and substantiate effective approaches, tools and models, the use of which by public administration authorities will allow to increase the efficiency of management activity in the sphere of water supply and sanitation at the regional level and to carry out rational allocation of investment instruments for rehabilitation and development of water supply and sanitation systems in the post-war period, we have analysed the experience of public administration activity in the provision of housing and communal services (with a focus on a specific area) of such leading European countries as France, Germany, Poland, Great Britain, etc., based on the results of which it was concluded that the most acceptable experience of organizing the functioning and use of communal infrastructure objects for implementation to domestic conditions and realities is the experience of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland.
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