



de-occupation, reintegration, state policy, state administration, temporarily occupied territories, internal security, territorial integrity and sovereignty


Since 2014, our country has been continuing its struggle to restore its territorial integrity and sovereignty. The current state of legislation regarding the regulation of the legal status of temporarily occupied territories indirectly regulates social relations and state mechanisms in such administrative-territorial units. The article examines modern state management approaches to regulating social relations and preserving national interests in temporarily occupied territories. From a legal point of view, the legal regime can be established, changed or abolished exclusively by the laws of Ukraine, however, the regulation of some social relations can be delegated to lower levels of state administration, in particular to regional state administrations, and during martial law - to regional military administrations . It is worth noting that in the conditions of repelling armed aggression on the part of the Russian Federation, the territories immediately adjacent to active hostilities acquire a similar de facto status. Modern legislation does not fully regulate the status of such territories, which negatively affects the normal functioning of state mechanisms in such a part of the state, as well as the real opportunity for citizens to properly exercise the provided rights and legitimate interests. The article examines the current state of legislation regulating state policy in the de-occupation and reintegration of part of the territory of Ukraine. The mechanism of de-occupation of temporarily occupied territories should be understood as a complex of principles, methods, forms and measures carried out by the state by public authorities, international entities that directly perform functions related to compliance with international law and world order, as well as civil society in relation to the chosen method the de-occupation of part of Ukraine from the control of the Russian Federation, as well as the reintegration of the planned regions, including the restoration of internal sovereignty regarding the distribution and implementation of state programs and the chosen vector of state administration. To date, there are several mechanisms for the de-occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine. The article examines the mechanisms and forms of implementation of state policy in the field of deoccupation of the state territory.


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