


innovative approaches, anti-corruption policy, public administration, technology, openness, access to information, public participation, training, ethics, international cooperation


The author analyzed and substantiated innovative approaches to ensuring an effective anti-corruption policy in the context of modern state administration challenges. Various aspects of the problem of corruption in the public sector were studied and key strategies and tools aimed at overcoming it were identified. The author considered modern challenges faced by public administration systems in the context of the fight against corruption. The impact of corruption practices on the efficiency of state administration and the socio-economic development of the country is analyzed. The necessity of introducing innovative approaches in the fight against corruption is substantiated. The importance of the use of the latest technologies, openness and access to information, as well as the active participation of the public in the process of anti-corruption activities was considered. Various anti-corruption tools and methods have been explored, including the use of artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies and data analytics to detect corruption schemes, as well as the development of an ethical culture and the education of civil servants on the principles of honesty. The importance of a systemic approach to the problem of corruption and the need for joint efforts of all interested parties in the fight against this phenomenon are emphasized. The key directions for further research and implementation of innovative strategies in the anti-corruption policy of public administration are highlighted. It was emphasized that the use of artificial intelligence, data analytics, blockchain technology and digital identification allows effective detection of corruption schemes, increases transparency and integrity of data, and also helps prevent fraud. It has been proven that e-learning platforms are an effective and convenient tool for improving the professional competence of civil servants in the areas of ethics, transparency and the fight against corruption. This contributes to strengthening the efficiency of state administration and increasing the trust of citizens in the power structures. It is established that the assessment of ethical culture in the organization is an important step for creating a healthy and ethical work environment. This process allows for the identification and resolution of problems that may lead to ethical violations and promotes the formation of high standards of professional behavior among employees.


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