emotions, emotional intelligence, emotional competence, mental health, psycho-emotional, psychosomatic disorders, specialists in socionomic specializationAbstract
The article is devoted to the topical problem of modern psychological science – emotional competence. There are presented generalized results of theoretical study of emotional competence, which are based on researches of domestic and foreign scientists. In the article was analyzed approaches to the definition of emotional competence. There are considered the definition and structure of emotional competence of a person, its components. Namely: the ability to realize and evaluate yourself; manage yourself; motivate yourself; understand people, their emotions, feelings, accept others in their individuality; build relationships with people. There are analyzed factors influencing the development of emotional competence: genetic, social. In the article was substantiated the social significance of this phenomenon. There are determined the correlation of the concepts “emotional intelligence”, “emotional competence”. In the article was considered the definition of mental health as a state of psychosomatic and psychological well-being, which is based on a sense of strength and value of one's own “I”, its ability to achieve harmony with itself and others on the basis of appropriate, given environmental conditions, regulation of behavior and activity, is characterized by the absence of painful mental manifestations and provides adequate regulation of behavior to the conditions of the surrounding reality. There are determined levels of mental health: existential, interpersonal, psychosexual, cognitive, behavioral, psychophysiological. Was analyzed the consequences of a person's contemptuous attitude to the emotional sphere: an increase in the number of disorders of the affective spectrum, depressive, anxiety, psychosomatic, eating behavior, an increase in the number of severe mental states, anxiety and depressive disorders. There are considered the results of the theoretical analysis of the problem of research of emotional competence as an indicator of mental health of employees of the social specialty. It has been established that a high level of emotional competence is a prerequisite for mental health and success in the professional activities of socionomic specialists. For the purpose of further scientific achievements on the identified issues, is substantiated the need for empirical research.
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