


public administration, change management, reform strategy, sustainable development, national resilience


In the article author substantiates that the change management forms a strategic dimension of government, which allows to direct their course. It is possible to call the theory of sustainable development one of the worldview foundations of these processes, since among the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN it is pointed promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Achieving this goal contributes to strengthening the national resilience of the state through the implementation of various development strategies and resistance to external and internal threats. The purpose of the article is to explore the peculiarities of change management as a basis for the reforming strategy of public administration based on the provisions of sustainable development theory in order to strengthen the national resilience of the state. In the conclusions, the author emphasizes that the need for complex and large-scale changes in the public administration system appeared to Ukraine after its independence at the same time as the objective (but not everyone realized) need to democratize the political system of the post-soviet state as a whole. The approval of a broad public demand for the involvement of Ukraine in the European political space and the establishment of a course for its European and Euro-Atlantic integration at the constitutional level can be considered as drivers of the above-mentioned changes. To achieve this goal of the government, it is important to engage in transformational strategies at the level of the global political process, which is implemented through the realization of the necessary reforms to fulfill the tasks of the relevant Sustainable Development Goals. Effective functioning of strong institutions, thus, is a guarantee, not a consequence of the establishment of justice, which is aimed at strengthening the national resilience of the state, which is especially important for Ukraine in the situation of resistance to the armed aggression of the russian federation.


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