



assertiveness, assertive behavior, foreign culture environment, features, older adolescents, functions


The article explores the concept of "assertiveness" as a general style of interaction and communication, encompassing not only specific actions but also the individual’s overall position in interaction with the environment. It defines "assertive behavior" as behavior focusing on specific actions and manifestations, such as setting boundaries and expressing one’s thoughts in specific situations. The structure of assertive behavior is identified, including the demonstration of self-respect and respect for others, effective communication characterized by honesty, openness, and directness without undermining the emotional state of others, the display of confidence and a positive attitude, the ability to listen and understand, negotiations and the achievement of a working compromise, and finding simple solutions to complex situations. The article presents the notion of foreign culture environment as a situation or context in which an adolescent comes into contact with representatives of other cultures, involving interaction with peers, teachers, and people from different ethnic, religious, or sociocultural groups. It reveals the physiological and psychological characteristics of older adolescents that indicate the need to create conditions for their successful socialization in a foreign culture environment. Assertive behavior of older adolescents in a foreign culture environment is examined through the influence of various factors, including education and the school environment, family surroundings, cultural influences through music, films, literature, etc., social networks, and the impact of technological progress on information perception, communication, and entertainment. The functions of assertive behavior in older adolescents in a foreign culture environment are highlighted, including adaptive, communicative, regulatory, goal-setting, and consolidating functions.


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