


protective mechanism, impulsivity, distortion of reality; projection, introjection, deflection, confluence, retroflexion, displacement, substitution, suppression, regression, compensation, negation, sublimation, intellectualization, reactive formation


The description of the generally accepted mechanisms of protection which are used by the person is given. The positive and negative consequences for the protective mechanisms of adults and children are analyzed. The main features of the mechanisms of psychological protection are highlighted: impulsiveness, distortion of reality, lack of awareness of the subject of protective forms of behavior. It is emphasized that the protective mechanisms in children are protective and maintain the normal psychological status of the individual. The main causes of protective mechanisms in children are named: anxiety reactions to physical discomfort, fear of separation and independence, fear of death, fear of submission, fear of change. The relevance of this study is substantiated and the purpose of the study is formulated. The procedure for conducting the diagnostic stage of the study is described, the sample is described, as well as the psychological tools. The results of an empirical study of the protective mechanisms of children and their parents are presented. The dominant strategies of psychological protection in two samples are singled out. The content of the dominant protective mechanisms of children and their parents is revealed. The presence of significant differences between the indicators of protective mechanisms of children of different ages was checked. The results of our study are compared with generally accepted ideas about the main mechanisms of psychological protection in children and adults. The main conclusion of the research is made, possible prospects of further scientific developments are formulated.


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