housing and communal economy, public administration, decentralizationAbstract
The article provides a solution to an actual scientific problem related to the functioning of the system of public management of the housing and communal economy of Ukraine in modern conditions, and developed scientific and applied approaches that ensure the practical use of the obtained scientific results. It has been established that public management in this area covers all types of housing funds, including the private sector. It is indicated that the main purpose of public management of housing and communal services is to protect and establish mandatory rules for the operation of residential buildings, to carry out reconstruction and organization of public utility services. The main methods of public management of the housing and communal economy, as well as regulatory support for the functioning of the housing and communal economy, are defined. It was found that the housing and communal management system covers three levels and each of these levels includes the appropriate number of management bodies, management objects and interested subjects, which change depending on the level of the issues under consideration. The role of the Ministry of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine was mentioned. It is emphasized that the structure of public administration existing in Ukraine allows for coordination in the field of housing and communal services at different levels of government. The main problems that currently exist in the sphere of housing and communal services of Ukraine are considered. The foreign experience of public management of housing and communal economy was analyzed and the possibilities of its implementation in Ukrainian realities were proved. It was determined that the main areas of improvement of the housing and communal economy management system include improving the quality of services and tariff policy, creating an institute of responsible home owners, improving legislation, as well as financial stabilization and management. The article noted that the important conditions for the introduction of market mechanisms and systemic changes in this sphere of housing and communal services are the improvement of the effectiveness of state control and regulation of the technical condition of objects.
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