personnel, local self-government, normative and legal regulation, public administration, competence approachAbstract
The article provides a solution to an actual scientific tasks related to the legal regulation of the formation of local selfgovernment personnel, and developed scientific and applied approaches that ensure the practical use of the obtained scientific results. It was noted that increasing the efficiency of personnel activities is one of the most relevant aspects of the formation and functioning of the public service, therefore, effective personnel management in local self-government bodies is an important factor of state policy in modern conditions. The article examines the normative and legal regulation of the formation of local self-government personnel in Ukraine, which is currently regulated by a number of relevant legislative acts, as well as national and international legal documents. Particular attention is paid to the use of the potential of local self-government personnel and the important factors of its formation in accordance with the current legislation. An analysis of the current norms of the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service" was carried out, according to which local self-government personnel are formed. The role of the competence approach in the process of formation of local self-government personnel based on the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service" is considered. It was noted that the improvement of the regulatory and legal regulation of the formation of local self-government personnel indicates the need for the adoption of specialized laws aimed at settling issues in the researched area. Attention is focused on the problems that currently exist in the field of personnel management in local self-government bodies and that need to be solved. Areas of increasing the effectiveness of local self-government staff formation are identified and it is emphasized that they will contribute to increasing the results of local self-government staff formation and improving its activities in modern conditions. It was concluded that in the process of personnel formation in the local self-government of Ukraine, all conditions for the training of highly qualified specialists should be created.
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