local self-government, reformation, public administration, decentralization, local self-government reformAbstract
The article examines the processes of reforming the system of local self-government in Ukraine in modern conditions. The normative acts, on the basis of which the reform of the system of local self-government in developed European countries was carried out, were considered, taking into account the possibility of a better assessment of the specificity of domestic realities in the researched area. The factors that influenced the reform of local self-government in European countries and the implementation of decentralization procedures in them were identified. It was found that the foreign experience of reforming local self-government suggests that, on the basis of complex and complex transformations in the system of social relations, decentralization processes have become sufficiently effective for countries in the transition period. The peculiarities of reforming the system of local self-government in Ukraine are formulated, taking into account the effect of martial law on its territory and the existence of a number of reasons for the initiated reform. It was noted that local self-government bodies today have a number of important tasks before them, starting from the development of a territory development strategy and ending with ensuring the provision of high-quality services and increasing the well-being of each resident. It is emphasized that in many countries, the solution to the problem of creating an adequate material base of local self-government includes the development of cooperation between individual communities. It was noted that citizens of Ukraine have the opportunity to exercise a wide range of their rights, the effective implementation of which requires the active work of local self-government bodies. It is concluded that in order to improve it, it is necessary to redistribute powers between different types of public authorities, as well as between different territorial levels. Emphasis is placed on the fact that reforms of the system of local self-government in Ukraine should be based on the norms and principles of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, ratified by the Parliament of Ukraine on July 15, 1997. The expected results of local self-government reform and decentralization of power in Ukraine are determined.
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