court administration system, judicial administration, European integration, Europeanization, rule of law, public administration, public governance, state administration, public administration, Association Agreement with the EUAbstract
The present study is dedicated to a comprehensive examination of the concept and essence surrounding the Europeanization of the judicial administration system in Ukraine within the framework of the Association Agreement with the EU. Presently, an evaluation of the efficacy of the judiciary in Ukraine extends beyond considerations of the judicial system, the establishment of the judiciary, and procedural activities of judges. It becomes apparent that within the context of European integration, the reform of the judiciary necessitates a comprehensive and systematic approach. The article underscores that the Ukrainian judicial administration system establishes a unified organizational and informational framework. This framework is designed to facilitate the effective dispensation of justice by judges and to ensure adherence to the legal guarantees established for them. Consequently, it represents a significant and autonomous focal point for the Europeanization process, pivotal for the realization of European agreements in the realm of justice and for progressing towards membership in the European Union. Ukraine embarked on this trajectory upon declaring its independence. The exploration of the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of the Europeanization of the court administration system in Ukraine has facilitated the revelation of its phenomenology in comparison to other systems of public administration and management. This investigation has further enabled the formulation of a distinct definition of the concept and the delineation of its essential characteristics. The resultant findings serve as a foundational platform for the ongoing examination of pertinent issues. Simultaneously, the study indicates that the procedure for enacting legal measures assumes a pivotal role in the processes associated with the Europeanization of the court administration system in Ukraine. Consequently, the success of this Europeanization endeavor is markedly contingent upon the legislative approach adopted by the State and its subsequent implementation by the judiciary across diverse hierarchical levels. The Europeanization of the judicial administration system in Ukraine is envisaged to enhance the robustness of the Ukrainian judiciary and amplify its operational efficiency within the framework of the Association Agreement with the European Union.
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