regulatory and legal support, social rights, citizens, European Union, legislation, countries, legal normsAbstract
The article provides a solution to an actual scientific problem related to the regulatory and legal provision of social rights of citizens of the European Union, and developed scientific and applied approaches that ensure the practical use of the obtained scientific results. It was noted that the protection of human and citizen rights is based on the norms of domestic and international documents that determine the essence of the life activity of each person in society. It was noted that legal documents at the international level are called international standards in the field of human rights, and they include such norms as international customs and political agreements. The article examines the main international legal acts in the field of protection of human and citizen rights. It is emphasized that all international documents that were adopted in the field of protection of human and citizen rights are based on the Charter of the United Nations. Accordingly, the article notes that this Charter regulates the fundamental legal norm regarding the affirmation of faith in the equality of the rights of large and small nations, in the equality of men and women, in the dignity and value of the human personality and in the basic human rights in general. Thus, the attention of the European Union to human rights issues is expressed in a wide range of human rights, which are regulated in international normative documents. A special emphasis is placed on the social rights of a person and a citizen in European society. It is argued that the social policy of the European Union is distinguished by the variety of tools with which its institutions harmonize the social sphere, contribute to the expansion of employment and provide guarantees of social protection of citizens. It is noted that the basis of this policy is the relevant normative legal documents of the European Union, and the norms of these legal acts are analyzed. It is concluded that every European state, which positions itself as a civilized democratic society, must ratify these documents and base its domestic legislation on the standards adopted at the international level.
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