


creativity, ingenuity, creative thinking, creative abilities, creative personality, creative qualities, youth


The scientific article is dedicated to the study of psychological factors that affect the manifestation of creativity in young people. The work examines various aspects of the concept of creativity, its primary characteristics, and its significance for personal development. It has been established by modern psychological theories that creativity is a complex integral structure that includes both cognitive and non-cognitive personal components. The interaction of these components affects the level of creativity development, but they can also function independently. The main concepts related to psychological factors that manifest creativity in youth are also summarized. The article defines such factors as creative abilities, creative environment, socio-cultural features, creative motivation, level of intelligence, age features, experience, time, intense emotional experience and subconscious processes (intuition) that influence the manifestation of creativity in youth. It has been established that creativity is a complex and multifaceted component of human personality, which is definitely interconnected with other aspects of individuality, including the ability to learn and develop personal traits. Creativity gains momentum in youth as a result of the growth of subjective experiences and the creation of a unique world. The ability of young people to feel and understand themselves more deeply, demonstrate creative courage, and desire to express their uniqueness is present at this age. Accordingly, they face new challenges that stimulate them to search for new forms of self-expression, self-realization, and the implementation of creative ideas. We comprehend that these advancements may be the focus of additional scientific research. Taking into account the results of the study, we consider it expedient to conduct an empirical study of psychological factors that are associated with the development of creative forms of thinking in youth, which will allow to clarify the peculiarities of the manifestation of creativity in this age period, to develop and implement an effective system of psychological and pedagogical measures with development of creativity in young people.


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