


psyche, active socio-psychological cognition, unconscious, deep-corrective results, psychocorrection


The article presents qualitative and quantitative indicators of the effectiveness of in-depth knowledge of perinatal symbolism, with the corresponding conclusions that should be taken into account by psychologists in their practical work with other people. The research corresponds to the methodological foundations of psychodynamic theory, focused on the integrity of the psyche (conscious/unconscious), which places certain requirements on the research procedure, in particular, taking into account the language of these spheres, respectively - verbal and figurative. The study reveals an understudied problem of qualitative analysis of the results of in-depth knowledge, which is focused on the specificity of the semantic parameters of the psyche and the dynamics of mutual transitions in the "conscious/unconscious" system in the diagnostic-corrective process. The study of the effectiveness is conducted through three indicators: the overall results obtained by the participants of the ASPP groups; individualized results; formalized indicators present the dynamics of deep-corrective results. The general performance indicators of ASPP are determined by the overall psychocorrective effect, which consists in increasing openness to new personal experience; development of abilities and skills of optimal communication (acceptance of others and oneself as they are, valuelessness of judgments, decentralization of attention, ability to be in a situation and to be above it). Individualized indicators provide the possibility of finding out in the process of in-depth knowledge the specific personal problems of the subject (stabilized internal contradiction), the knowledge of which is characterized by the uniqueness of the empirical format, given by the spontaneity and ease of behavior, which is revealed in the process of structural-semantic analysis. These results are confirmed by self-reports of the participants on the topics "Me before the ASPP group" and "Me after the ASPP group". The obtained results allow us to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of participants undergoing in-depth psychocorrection using the ASPP method, which contributes to the development of reflexivity, perception of oneself and others, and the development of the ability to create emotional comfort.


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