


managerial culture, sergeant, military leader, professional activity, managerial competence, military serviceman, methodological approaches, motivation, leadership


The article determines that the managerial culture of military leaders as their socio-psychological and organizationalbehavioral formation of a military-professional orientation allows to substantiate its development in the context of the formation of professional subjectivity, as well as the focus on ensuring the effectiveness of the adoption and control of the execution of management decisions by sergeants. At the level of theoretical research, the management culture of sergeants is substantiated through the prism of their subject characteristics, ways and means of performing official duties. In this context, the idea of suprasituational activity of sergeants as subjects of managerial activity makes it possible to determine how subject qualities affect their activity outside specific atypical service situations. It is emphasized that the management culture of sergeants is analyzed in accordance with the context of the military-professional activity of the military unit, the management situation, taking into account which management decisions should be made in rapidly changing circumstances in accordance with the provisions of synergistic, systemic and dominant-positional approaches. The synergistic approach made it possible to determine the content of creative selfdevelopment of sergeants as subjects of military management and their influence on managerial culture and managerial activity itself. The systemic approach assumes that the management culture of sergeants should be investigated taking into account the interrelationship of elements of management activity in the military management system, especially in extreme conditions of military professional activity. The strategy of forming a management culture based on the principles of a dominant-positional approach ensures the formation and development of a management culture in sergeants in certain status-role positions and stimulates the process of becoming subjects of management activity and leaders in a military unit. These approaches made it possible to interpret the management culture of sergeants as a systemic and at the same time complex contextual psychological phenomenon, to study it from different angles and to find out the main factors that determine its features.


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