


married couples, personal maturity, family conflicts


The article presents the results of a study of the peculiarities of personal spousal maturity in resolving family conflicts. Family interaction is accompanied by changes caused by internal and external factors. In the socio-cultural context, family conflict is perceived as a phenomenon, while in psychological practice, it can serve as a driving force for family development and contribute to positive changes in family relationships. The purpose of the study is to empirically investigate the psychological aspects of personal maturity in families with young and middle-aged partners in resolving family conflicts. The study involved 14 married couples with an average duration of marriage of 2.2 years and 12 couples with an average duration of marriage of 7.7 years. It has been discovered that the average indicators of personal maturity components on the scales of “responsibility”, “profound feelings”, “philosophy of life”, and “autonomy” are higher among families with middle-aged partners. In contrast, in the group of young family representatives, high scores are observed on the scales of “tolerance”, “self-perception”, and “sociability”. According to the scale of the general indicator of personal maturity, it has been identified that among the respondents in the group of young family representatives, 21% have been noted to have a high level, while in the group of families with middle-aged partners, this level is inherent in 46% of respondents. It has been determined that in the group of young adults, there is a direct correlation between the “Personal Maturity” scale and the scales of “Compromise” (r=0.572; p ≤ 0.01), “Cooperation” (r=0.630; p ≤ 0.01). There is a negative correlation between the “Personal Maturity” scale and the scales of "Avoidance" (r=-0.362; p ≤ 0.05) and “Autonomy of one of the partners” (r=-0.348; p ≤ 0.05). Among families with middle-aged partners, direct correlations have been identified between the “Personal Maturity” scale and the scales of “Compromise” (r=0.610; p≤0.01), “Cooperation” (r=0.549; p≤0.01), as well as the inverse correlation with the scales of “Rivalry” (r=-0.301; p≤0.01), “Attitude toward relatives and friends” (r=-0.361; p≤0.05), “Child rearing” (r=-0.328; p≤0.05), and the scale of “Overall family conflict indicator”. The results of the conducted research serve as a basis for further scientific exploration and expanding the study participants' contingent.


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