corruption, public administration, bribery, favoritism, nepotism, clientelismAbstract
The article explores the theoretical aspects of the current scientific problem of the causes and forms of corrupt practices in public administration. It emphasizes that corruption is a major obstacle to economic development and the effective functioning of the state governance system. The author examines social-psychological, socio-political, economic, and legal factors that determine the reasons for corrupt behavior in public administration. Among the social-psychological reasons, cultural factors such as family and friendship relations, the desire to earn, and traditions are highlighted. Socio-political factors include the passivity of society and insufficient awareness of corruption as a global danger. Economic factors encompass the profitability of corrupt actions as a competitive advantage and a resource for officials’ enrichment. Legal and organizational-management aspects are also considered in the theoretical analysis. The author identifies various forms of corruption, including bribery, lobbying, favoritism, nepotism, and clientelism. Bribery is examined in detail as a mutual agreement between the bribe giver and the official to influence the latter’s actions. Lobbying is defined as a practice aimed at advocating and implementing the interests of citizens, businesses, and organizations. Favoritism, nepotism, and clientelism are also analyzed as forms of corrupt practices. Favoritism is defined as obtaining patronage and privileges by public officials based on mutual promises and unequal relationships with those in power and their subordinates. The article highlights how this form of corruption creates conditions for excessive well-being within the chosen group of individuals. Based on the provided definitions, it is evident that the essence of practically all forms of corrupt practices lies in providing individuals in positions of power with specific privileges and advantages, as well as appointing them to certain positions and offering various forms of support to achieve their personal selfish goals. This is a comprehensive approach that encompasses various forms of corruption, including bribery, favoritism, nepotism, clientelism, and others. The author underscores that restrictions on civil rights and the increase in administrative barriers contribute to the emergence and rooting of corruption. The importance of further improving prevention and anticorruption measures in the context of globalization and modernization is emphasized.
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