personnel management, educational institution, special period, personnel management methods, management principles, factors, personnel-technologiesAbstract
The article presents modern aspects of personnel management of an educational institution in the conditions of a special period. Personnel management is one of the main directions in any organization, because the effectiveness and achievement of the organization's goals depend on the coordination and responsibility of the personnel. Today, there are many technologies for working with personnel, which differ in the direction of influence, time spent, duration and effectiveness of influence. However, it is worth noting that modern methods of personnel management are based on the fact that each employee is a person who has his own personal social, psychological and physiological characteristics. And it is these features that will affect work performance and the socio-psychological climate in the organization, which has a significant impact on the effectiveness of staff work in the conditions of a special period. The purpose of the research is to generalize and systematize the methods of personnel management of educational institutions and interpret the results of research into modern aspects of personnel management in educational institutions in the conditions of a special period. Approaches to the classification of personnel management methods are summarized an systematized. Innovative personnel technologies are characterized, including: personnel involvement, performance evaluation, quality development, stimulation, formation of effective behavior. The methods that are most often used to evaluate the activity of personnel in an educational institution are defined, namely: rating, expert evaluation, evaluation of employee qualities, the method of business characteristics, testing, the method of biographical description, the method of discussion. Innovative methods of personnel management in educational institutions are: career chart method, question session, coaching, inversion method, E-learning, etc. The problems faced by the heads of educational institutions during the special period are as follows: migration of participants in the educational process; organization of the educational process remotely in a special period; psychological climate in the team of teaching staff and children; preparation of the educational environment of educational institutions for mixed learning; arrangement of storage in educational institutions; organization of training in several shifts; mass dismissal of teaching staff; decrease in staff motivation; anxiety of parents for children during their stay in educational institutions.
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