public administration, local government, management, project, programme, portfolio, city, strategy, strategic planning, local developmentAbstract
The article identifies that ensuring the resilience of territories and communities during martial law and the success of Ukraine's post-war recovery necessitates the spread of the Project, Programme, and Portfolio Management approach, where portfolio management is understood as the selection, prioritisation and control of programmes and projects in line with strategic goals and the ability to implement them. Project activities in the development of a large industrial city involve achieving the goals set for the city's local governments and exercising the powers granted to them using available resources, while optimising management costs, minimising the impact of risks and increasing the efficiency of interaction between executive authorities, local governments, enterprises, institutions, organisations regardless of ownership and subordination, self-organisation bodies and citizens on project implementation. The tasks of the project management office include: developing and disseminating a project management methodology in the executive committee of the city council and other territorial community organisations; providing advisory support to project managers and project teams; defining project management standards and norms; providing access to information and tools for project planning, implementation and monitoring; identifying and monitoring key project performance indicators and comparing them with the goals set; managing resources, including Digital project management using Microsoft tools (Microsoft Office 365; Microsoft Teams; Microsoft Project; Microsoft Power BI; Microsoft Planner) helps to increase the productivity and efficiency of the project team, simplifies the management process and improves the quality of work, reducing the risk of not meeting project deadlines and budgets. The tested software package can also be supplemented with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Microsoft Viva Goals to ensure agility, which will allow each project team to quickly adapt and innovate.
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