government policy, government administration, orphans, international standards, international evidence, medical assistance, legislative regulation, adoption, psychological support, social work, social support and protection, finance’s helpAbstract
The author researched the key aspects of effective legislative regulation in the field of adoption of orphans, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach. Identified key elements on which a successful strategy should be based include: strong legislative support that meets international standards; transparency and accessibility of the adoption process; a comprehensive support system for the child and family after adoption; and appropriate accountability and control mechanisms. The need to create a system that takes into account the interests and needs of orphans and actively protects their rights is highlighted. The analysis highlights the importance of creating favorable conditions for the child’s development, which will contribute to his physical, psychological and emotional development within the framework of the foster family. This includes not only material support, but also access to education and health. In addition, attention is drawn to the critical role of reporting and accountability systems in the adoption process, which ensure the protection of the child’s rights and promote the openness and transparency of the process. It is emphasized that active consideration of the child’s opinion is central in the adoption process, and the system of feedback and complaints becomes a necessary mechanism for monitoring and improving the child’s living conditions after being adopted into the family. It was found that the importance covers not only material support, but also providing access to education and health care. The importance of transparent reporting and accountability systems that guarantee the rights of the child and ensure the openness of the adoption process is emphasized. The role of children’s participation and feedback mechanisms is noted. The priority is the development of sensitive, effective and aimed at the needs and interests of orphans adoption systems.
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