public administration, regional level, physical culture and sports, project-oriented approach, project management, standards, development, strategy, program, project portfolioAbstract
The article substantiates the feasibility of using a project-based approach to managing the development of physical culture and sports at the regional level, for which the hypothesis is put forward that increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of modern public management of the development of physical culture and sports at the regional level is possible on the basis of implementation into the activities of public administration bodies project management methodology, based on ISO, PMBOK and P2M standards, with the simultaneous use of the concept of project-oriented management (or project-based management – Management by Project), which involves the implementation of public management activities for the implementation of a set (portfolio) of projects with sequential (or parallel) ) by guiding them as they move from one project to another. The conceptual and categorical apparatus of the subject area of research has been improved, namely: the interpretation of the concept of "methodology of managing physical culture and sports development projects" has been further developed, the author's definitions of the concepts "project-based approach to management in the field of physical culture and sports", "development project" have been formulated of physical culture and sports at the regional level", "program for the development of physical culture and sports at the regional level", "portfolio of projects for the development of physical culture and sports at the regional level", on the basis of which the principles of successful implementation of the project-based approach to managing the development of physical culture are substantiated culture and sports at the regional level, which include, in particular, the provision of a complex, orderly and programmed transition from the situation "without a project" to the desired situation; compliance with the goals of the regional development strategy, defined as priority in a specific region, as well as with other higher-level program and target documents, in particular, sectoral orientation; focus on effectiveness and efficiency; influence and perspective orientation; synergistic effect. It was concluded that the use of a project-based approach to the management of the development of physical culture and sports at the regional level will contribute to the improvement of the activities of public administration bodies, the consequences of which should be the achievement of public value and the satisfaction of collective needs (both target groups and every willing resident of the region). in creating proper conditions for physical education and sports at the level of the best domestic and international practices.
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