


service career, service, promotion, career development, implementation of service career, bodies of the National Police of Ukraine


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of implementation of a service career in the National Police of Ukraine and the main problems arising during the service and implementation of a service career in the National Police of Ukraine. The author analyses the essence of the concept of "service career in the National Police of Ukraine" as a subjective (conscious and voluntary) awareness and acceptance by an employee of the National Police of the significance of his/her service and professional activities in a law enforcement agency. The author examines the legal framework, which regulates the specifics of career development in the structural units of the National Police. It is established that human resources management in the National Police is an important factor in the process of career development and promotion. The organization of proper human resources management helps to attract, train, evaluate and develop qualified employees. The author concludes that in order to be promoted and pursue a career in the National Police, employees need to constantly improve their professional skills, improve their professional skills and knowledge, participate in trainings, advanced training courses and other professional events, and engage in self-education. Maintaining physical and emotional resilience and the ability to effectively manage stress are important skills that influence the process of realizing a successful career in the police. Leadership skills also contribute to career advancement, such as initiative, the ability to lead others, the ability to solve problems and make responsible decisions. Effective communication with colleagues, reliable cooperation and interaction with other departments and structures, ability to work in a team and find constructive solutions contribute to success in the career development process. Proper performance of official duties, conscientious and responsible implementation of tasks set by the management, adherence to high standards of ethics and honesty, on which public trust in the police depends, and values such as justice and professionalism should be a priority in police activities.


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