forensic expert, personality, professional functioning, structure, component, indicator, featureAbstract
This study is devoted to the problem of structural and functional characteristics of the personal and professional functioning of a forensic expert, which creates the prerequisites for a scientific and psychological analysis of further dynamics of personal selfrealization and professional success of a forensic expert, optimization of the processes of realization of social and professional potential. The purpose of the research is the theoretical-methodological and empirical analysis of the main structural-functional psychological characteristics of the personal and professional functioning of the forensic expert, as methods psychological diagnostic work used methods of diagnosis of meaningful life orientation, diagnosis of the level of subjective control, diagnosis of readiness for risk, diagnosis of professional self-awareness of a specialist with the help of free self-description. It was established that the personal and professional functioning of a forensic expert should be understood as an individually determined and socially determined, partly formally regulated, conscious and motivated, multi-level and structured process of professional and social growth, the main result of which is personal identity and high professional success, the formation of an appropriate foundation for professional self-realization and personal self-actualization of a specialist in the field of forensic examination. It has been proven that a sufficiently important mechanism of the personal and professional functioning of a forensic expert is the growth of its expression not only at the quantitative level, but also at the level of qualitative restructuring of the set of basic indicators of the personal and professional functioning of a forensic expert. It was established that the personal and professional functioning of a forensic expert is a rather developed, multifaceted and complex psychological formation (a significant number of components belonging to different spheres of the human psyche are involved) with the dominance of the factors of meaningful orientations, subjective control and professional self-awareness.
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