


stress resistance, resilience, relaxation, mindfulness, formation of resilience of sportsmen, principles of resilience formation of sportsmen


The article deals with the role of organized youth groups, Compared to other types of activity, sports have a systematic stressful situation, which requires the participants of the sports process to form appropriate stress resistance traits that will allow them to be resilient both during competitions and in everyday training. Modern researchers have repeatedly proven that the physical and psychological preparation of athletes allows them to show the highest results during the competition, on the other hand, an athlete who is physically and technically prepared at a high level cannot win if he does not have the necessary mental qualities and psychological traits. personality For quite a long period of time, researchers in this field believed that the main stress factor in sports activities is physical exertion, without taking into account the components of individual and personal characteristics. In fact, psychological factors in sports are significant stressors that significantly affect the training and competitive activities of athletes, as well as the quality of life in everyday life. In this period of time, athletes have to face a number of stress factors, which can be divided into two main groups – pre-competitive and competitive, as well as features of everyday life in dangerous circumstances. The very perception of stress factors by athletes is very individual and selective, so special attention should be paid to the psycho-emotional state of athletes and training in the skills of psycho-emotional regulation of their state, which forms responsiveness to certain environmental conditions. Athletes can achieve high results in stressful situations only if they have the skills to effectively manage their psycho-emotional state. Stress resistance is a systemic personal characteristic that is determined by the ability to resist and counteract stressors of varying intensity, the ability to cope with many stressful situations, the analysis of stress factors and adaptive capabilities to environmental conditions without harming health and the quality of executive activity.


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