occupational well-being, professional activity, academic staff, institution of higher education, occupational stressAbstract
Teaching activity is one of the most emotionally intense types of professional activity not only in Ukraine, but also abroad, therefore the search for an optimal model of the professional activity of university teachers, which would create conditions for preserving their professional well-being, is gaining relevance. The purpose of the study is a theoretical analysis of factors affecting professional well-being within each component of the professional activity of employees of higher education institutions. In accordance with the purpose of the research, a complex of general scientific theoretical methods was used analysis, comparison, and generalization of scientific data of recent decades. According to the results of the theoretical analysis, it was established that the professional well-being of teachers is related to: physical working conditions that affect physical and mental health, financial stability and work productivity, which provides a sense of security and competence; with the effectiveness of cooperation at all levels, which provides a sense of belonging, social support and mitigates the impact of stressors; with organizational specificity, which determines the nature of management practice, the volume of workload and, accordingly, opportunities for professional growth and self-actualization. Achieving professional well-being is also correlated with a person's realization of aspirations for autonomy, which, in turn, is the desire to feel like the initiator of one's own actions, to independently control one's behavior. As can be seen, the selected factors influencing the professional well-being of an individual correspond to his basic needs, that is, the state of being at work serves, first, the achievement of the employee's personal goals, such as safety, growth, autonomy, competence, and positive relationships, which can compensate for work demands and associated physical and psychological costs.
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