


creativity, creativity, development of creative abilities, preschool children, preschool education institution


This publication discloses the characteristic features of creative activity of preschool children in the context of its subjective aspects, its product and the conditions under which the creative process occurs. Since most scientists defend the opinion that the creative abilities of preschoolers belong to those mental processes that are intensively developing at this age stage, and without which the mature personality can not do in the future, the author's considerable attention is focused on the substantiation of the latest methods and techniques of work to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers. Among such methods are the following: the formation of the heuristic structure of the experience of the child and the means of his activity, games for the development of associative and dialectical thinking, the creation of accessible problem situations, the setting of creative tasks, an artistic word (reading fiction, telling tales, legends, proverbs, riddling riddles, the use of game techniques, elements of experiments. intellectual and didactic games of environmental direction), means and methods of theatrical and gaming activities. Emphasis is placed on the importance of creating a situation of success in order to increase the interest of children in creativity. Among the successful psychological techniques of creating success situations, such as the «horizon line» (approval of the child's initial success and repetition of the task at a more complex level), «advance» (joint individual performance of the task with the child, which is difficult for him), «joy of the group» (suggestion of the child to believe in himself) are highlighted. The article also draws attention to the conditions for the development of creative abilities of children, namely, the organization of purposeful activities of pupils in a preschool education institution together with the family. To this end, it is useful to focus the attention of parents on enriching children with vivid impressions, providing emotional and intellectual experience, raising strong-willed qualities, psychological freedom and a sense of psychological safety of children.


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