


public policy, public administration, orphans, international standards, medical care, psychological support, social work, social support, financial assistance


The article is devoted to research and analysis of international standards and policies related to orphans and their assignment to foster families. The analysis involves the study of international conventions and agreements that regulate the rights and protection of orphans, as well as the study of state programs and legislation that determine the policy of receiving orphans into families. The results of the analysis can be useful for improving legislation and policies aimed at improving the fate of these children and ensuring their dignified life in foster families. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of international standards and state policy regarding orphans in foster families, which allows us to identify important aspects of protection and support for this vulnerable group of children. Studying international conventions and agreements helps to clarify the standards that must be met by national governments in order to ensure the rights and well-being of orphans. It has been studied that the state policy in this region allows to evaluate the effectiveness of institutional measures and programs aimed at supporting foster families and orphans. Knowledge of existing laws and programs makes it possible to identify gaps in policy implementation and identify possible ways to correct them. It is determined that the analysis is a key stage for ensuring a high level of protection and support for orphans in foster families and contributes to the development of national strategies aimed at improving their fate and guaranteeing their right to a happy and stable childhood. It is emphasized that various aspects of caring for orphans and their integration into families and society. The main emphasis is on creating a safe and supportive environment for these children, as well as on the importance of providing them with emotional support and developing social skills. It is justified that the role of financial support, medical care and education for foster families and children, as well as the need for systematic monitoring and evaluation to ensure compliance with standards and policies in this field. The importance of the development of social awareness regarding the rights and needs of orphans was emphasized, and proposals were put forward to popularize the reception of orphans in families and educate the community on this topic.


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