institutes of public authority, public service relations, management theories, research methodology, corruption, interaction of power structuresAbstract
The author has researched the theoretical and methodological problems of the relationship between institutions of public power and public service relations, focusing on the analysis of theoretical and methodological aspects of the interaction between institutions of power and service structures in modern society. Key concepts such as institutions of public power and public-service relations are defined, revealing their role in the stable functioning of management systems. In addition, the research is aimed at a deep theoretical analysis, including a detailed examination of key theories that determine the relationship between power institutions and public-service relations. The study aims to define the important terms and concepts used in this context for a sound understanding of the essence of the studied concepts. The results of the study indicate the importance of understanding and optimizing the interaction of these institutions to improve the effectiveness of management and strengthen democratic principles in modern society. It is clear that the analysis of theoretical concepts that determine the key aspects of relations between institutions of public authority and service structures. Consideration of the main theories allows us to identify trends and dependencies in this interaction, which is important for the development of management strategies and the harmonization of relations. However, the research methodology defines specific methods of analysis that help to highlight the complex aspects of the interaction of institutions of public power and public-service relations. This includes the use of terminology that reveals the essence of concepts and relationships between them. The significance of the theoretical and methodological consideration of the relationship between power institutions and service relations for the improvement of modern management is emphasized. They emphasize the need for further research and reforms aimed at creating a stable and effective socio-political system.
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