


Republic of Poland, public administration, experience, development, problems, barriers


The Polish experience of studying the problems of public administration development is considered in the article. According to the author, the success of Polish reforms is ensured by various factors, one of the most important of which is the constant attention to the quality of public administration, which is achieved by careful analysis of existing problems and purposeful work on their solution. The purpose of the article is to identify and systematize the problems of development of the public administration of the Republic of Poland and the mechanisms of solution for the use of experience in Ukraine. The author tries to generalize the approaches of Polish scholars to the problems of public administration development, based on their works, as well as taking into account the assessment of these approaches in Ukrainian historiography. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify and systematize existing and potential problems of public administration development, taking into account the practice of solving them in the Republic of Poland. The necessity of considering the problems of public administration from different points of view is shown: through the definition of “good administration”; definition of standards and best examples; identification of existing barriers to quality management; due to the quality of staff; perfection of communications between the authorities and between them and citizens and business, as well as ensuring internal dialogue between the management of the administration and its employees. The model for assessing the quality of public administration is the European standards of government, which should be taken into account in the preparation of domestic legislation, as well as in the practice of administrations.


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